Xmas Outfit: Day Five

Friday, December 20, 2013

Todays outfit is way more relaxed. This is in case you go to a dinner that doesn't need to be so formal or simply a pre-Christmas party.

Since it's usually a bit warm in the houses around this holiday I added this sleeveless shirt because I really fell in love with the color and the simplicity of the shirt itself. The white gives us a great canvas to work with and allows more color to be added to the outfit. 

Light blue jeans, to be more comfortable. Added a little red Christmas color in these wedged ankle boots that definitely stand out in this outfit. Helps keep the feet cozy and make you look fabulous! I also added this poinsettia brooch to add a bit more of a festive feel. And, well of course a beanie to add a bit more or a chic relaxed feel to the outfit. Finally the green bag to simply incorporate the classic Christmas colors. 

I really liked this outfit because it look great and it's so much more relaxed than the rest of them. Have a great weekend everyone, and have fun last minute shopping!   

Xmas Outfit: Day Five

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